We are a 2010 award recipient from the Buffalo Niagara Preservation board. From the Preservation board website:
"Category: Preservation Craft
John A. Gulick
J. A. Gulick Window Company
Buffalo, New York
Recognized as one of the most skilled craftspersons in Buffalo and Western New York, John Gulick has worked in the field of window restoration for more than 25 years. He is owner and operator of J. A. Gulick Window Company, a restoration workshop located at 32 Plymouth Avenue, where windows, doors, and other architectural features of various materials are restored. He also serves as a consultant to architects, engineers, developers, and property owners, providing valuable advice about how best to save and reuse existing building components, work often done at no charge. The work of John Gulick’s company allows owners of historic buildings to retain and preserve original windows and doors that make historic buildings architecturally special, that with care and maintenance are
designed to last for hundreds of years, and whose reuse means less landfill waste. Among the company’s most significant projects are window and/or door restoration at the Guaranty Building, the 210 Ellicott Street Warehouse Lofts, the Foster House at Graycliff, and the Erie County Botanical Gardens; tower and metal cornice restoration at UB’s Hayes Hall; and consultation and restoration of original vent operators and fabrication of period hardware at the Darwin Martin Complex greenhouse. In addition, John Gulick teaches his craft and provides employment to community youth, many of them referrals from McKinley High School who demonstrate interest in and motivation for learning a craft. For his dedication to a specialized field that promotes preservation over waste and for his service to the community as a mentor to youth, Preservation Buffalo Niagara is pleased to honor John Gulick."